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Monday, April 4, 2011

Florida's republican legislature takes control of local school districts

I don’t understand why this current republican dominated Florida legislature just doesn’t dissolve all of Florida’s school districts after all that is the direction they are headed. Long self billed as the champions of smaller government and home rule this group of education deformers led by John Thrasher and Steven Wise is showing their true colors. There latest two travesties to public education have to do with charter schools and school board salaries.

Charter schools had been required to be managed in the cities they operated in. That way they were both closer to their children and parents and the community in general. Not so fast friends if they latest John Thrasher travesty of a bill making its way through the legislature passes. Now Charter schools will be able to be managed from anywhere, one city over, one state over or heck even from other countries. Accountability which is already practically out the window for these defacto private schools paid for with the public’s money will now be made even worse, when you have to drive 400 miles to meet with someone in charge. Perhaps John Thrasher has no loyalty to his community, I hope you have some.

Then there is the bill to end school board salaries. Now I have issues with our local school board but it’s not the salary they receive which is the same as a first year teacher, a little over thirty-seven thousand dollars. Plus where we call in a part time position and one of the problems we have is numerous school board members have treated it as such, if done right they should be doing much more. The school board members should be in the schools and meeting with parents and the community daily in addition to all the regular business. Regardless however if you think they should be paid or not isn’t that a decision you want to make in your home town. Why does Tallahassee think they can make decisions for us that frankly are not state issues? Once gain their aim is to wrest a little more control from local municipalities.

In the last few months they have given districts billions in unfounded mandates, told them how they have to hire, pay and retain their teachers and plan to give tenure to Charter schools regardless how they perform or not. Why not stop pretending and just take out right control.

Small government? Hah! Local control? Don’t even pretend that exists anymore. This republic legislature is all about how can we further cripple public education while our friends make a buck off of it. The only question really left is how far they will go before enough of us say, no more. If you ask me they have already gone way too far.

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