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Friday, March 9, 2012

Hazouri 1, Gentry 0

Hazouri said, there are some great superintendents and deputies in this state right now who I’ve heard are interested in us.

But board member W.C. Gentry said they should cast a wider net. I think the community expects us to do a national search and look for the best person possible from wherever they are.

Of course we should look for the best candidate possible but having the new super come from within Florida could be valuable. They would have an understanding of the workings of Florida instead of learning about them on the fly.

Furthermore there are numerous urban districts in the state that are both bigger than us and doing a lot better than us. We obviously have a lot we could learn from them.

Finally it would be easier to have them in place before the next school year began. Bringing in a super during the middle of a year basically wastes that year and we have issues that can’t wait and need to be addressed now.

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