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Saturday, March 17, 2012


I talk about education a lot. I meet with groups, speak with teachers and have no problem giving the couple at the next table my thoughts, though they just as often ask for mine when they know who I am. I get a lot of questions and only one has ever offended me.

Now I don’t mind questions about my arrests as a young man. They didn’t involve violence or theft, all were misdemeanors and like a lot of directionless men in their twenties I made bad choices but other than the random ticket that phase of my life ended nearly 14 years ago and the arrests didn’t stop me from becoming a teacher and from spending 11 of the last 12 years in the classroom (7 years ago I took the year after my mother passed away off).

I also don’t mind questions about my recent surplus. I use it to illustrate problems in the system. The sample used to surplus me was just 23 special needs kids in classes I didn’t even teach. They were in classes I co-taught, accept for the taught part. Instead of teaching I was a glorified para for four periods a day. I didn’t lesson plan, grade papers or deliver instruction. Of those 23 kids seventeen didn’t take the pre and posttests so there is no way of knowing how much or what they learned.

I do mind however when people ask if I think I can win a school board seat in a predominantly African-American district. That question offends me. I am not in this race on a dare or because I lost a bet, I am in it because I care deeply about the cities children and teachers and believe we as a city are heading in the wrong direction. I am not running because of hubris, I am running because I am angry about what has been going on and afraid of what will happen if we don’t correct things and I believe I can help correct those things. No matter who I talk to, black-white, rich-poor, man-woman, my ideas resonate with them.

When asked that question I point out that less than a year ago the thought of an African American mayor was laughable to many. Then at the end of the day I have to believe that parents and neighborhoods just want what’s best for their kids. They want the person who understands the problems and can fix them and that’s me. If I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t be putting myself out there.

Chris Guerrieri
Candidate District 5

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