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Friday, April 25, 2014

Barrak Obama and Arne Duncan continue their assault on teachers.

Now they plan to drive out of business schools that send their teacher graduates to urban districts where test scores will be low and gains slow to come by.

From Politico: The goal: To ensure that every state evaluates its teacher education programs by several key metrics, such as how many graduates land teaching jobs, how long they stay in the profession and whether they boost their students’ scores on standardized tests. The administration will then steer financial aid, including nearly $100 million a year in federal grants to aspiring teachers, to those programs that score the highest. The rest, Duncan said, will need to improve or “go out of business.”

Are some teacher colleges better than others? Undoubtedly but thanks to the president and secretary of playing basketball with the president, we will need all the teachers we can get in the next few years.  These two have done all they can to handicap the teaching profession with their corporate/standardized test reforms.

They are despicable. We can’t chalk it up to them just being ignorant anymore. Their reforms represent a calculated attack against the teaching profession.

I also can’t help but think there favorite group TFA which does the exact opposite of what we know to be good and puts their non-education majors through a five week class is going to get a pass. The summer institute is not a teacher college after all.

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