This should make you really mad. Below is the allocation of maintenance and repair funds from Tallahassee and as you can see, charters get the lion's share of the cash.

According to the latest charter school report
there are 631 charter schools and 3115 traditional public schools, that means the legislature has allocated, a little more than 250 thousand to each charter school and 16,510 per public school school. That is also 534 per charter school student and a buck ninety-six per each public school student. That is how much they are worth to Tallahassee. This is not a new phenomenon either, no friends it has been going on for years.*
It's even worse friends because districts are also now required to share their tax revenue with charters. DCPS for example gave its local charter schools 3.8 million dollars last year,
I want to remind you that almost half of all charter schools in Florida are run by for profit entities, um what other for profit entity gets such largess from the tax payers?
These charters that we are performing maintenance and upkeep on I remind you are not owned by the public and their owners use above as a means to further enrich themselves.
My home town, Jacksonville, has a maintenance back log of over a billion dollars.
How is it right that we give so much money to charters many of which are for profit while neglecting our public schools? The answer is it is not.
*The state does not divide the allocation number by schools or students, above was just an illustration how one sided the program is. I also updated the figures to include schools that I had not originally included...

According to the latest charter school report
there are 631 charter schools and 3115 traditional public schools, that means the legislature has allocated, a little more than 250 thousand to each charter school and 16,510 per public school school. That is also 534 per charter school student and a buck ninety-six per each public school student. That is how much they are worth to Tallahassee. This is not a new phenomenon either, no friends it has been going on for years.*
It's even worse friends because districts are also now required to share their tax revenue with charters. DCPS for example gave its local charter schools 3.8 million dollars last year,
I want to remind you that almost half of all charter schools in Florida are run by for profit entities, um what other for profit entity gets such largess from the tax payers?
These charters that we are performing maintenance and upkeep on I remind you are not owned by the public and their owners use above as a means to further enrich themselves.
My home town, Jacksonville, has a maintenance back log of over a billion dollars.
How is it right that we give so much money to charters many of which are for profit while neglecting our public schools? The answer is it is not.
*The state does not divide the allocation number by schools or students, above was just an illustration how one sided the program is. I also updated the figures to include schools that I had not originally included...