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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Teachers are the last ones who should be supporting Greene

 For those teachers still willing to give some largess to Greene, remember when DCPS teachers were called groomers and pedophiles, and she stepped up and said that was ridiculous, and when DeSantis teacher pay scheme cut veteran teacher salaries and seriously disrespected them and said, that’s wrong? You don't? Neither do I.

I do remember the grand jury report that said her administration helped cover up hundreds of crimes, including dozens of batteries on school board employees.

How about work expectations? Does anybody work a few hours beyond the contract because there is too much to do? Dozens, hundreds?  

Remember, she said we had enough subs at the height of the pandemic? What the beep, was that? She said we were fine when we were drowning.

How about classroom libraries? Has anybody had theirs taken out? That's a Duval thing if you didn't know. Only 2 of the 67 districts went that route.

Once, Greene gave us a pin, and people have confused that with her having teachers' backs, something she has never done.

Now some people might say what about the millage increase, which is going to be a good thing, but that wasn’t just her, that was the union and school board too, but she definitely played a large role in it; I can't say she didn't. The thing is, we were so desperate, it was needed so badly that the second it passed, the district promptly said, forgetaboutit, we will do something next year.

All I ask is you give her the same support that she has given you, which isn’t much.

1 comment:

  1. It's the Board's fault for extending Greene & giving her a raise. If not for them she'd already be gone. Why not let her play out the string til her retirement? It's 2 more years & we'll have a new board by then any way. Whoever replaces Greene is gonna be worse so what's the rush?
