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Monday, January 18, 2016

John Meeks for DTU board of directors.

John Meeks is a regular contributor t the blog, a fine teacher and teacher representative. he is sunning for the DTU board of directors. I think he would be a fine choice. Below is a note from him.

I need your vote.  It's that simple.
    I am currently representing our teachers on the Duval Teachers United board of directors.  I am responsible for determining the direction that our local teachers union takes going forward.
    While our state has been showing great disrespect to public education, I am proud that our district is in the second year of a three-year contract that was negotiated by our collective bargaining team - including very capable and experienced DTU members.
    My concern for our interests dates back to before I was a teacher.  In fact, I was in college when I volunteered to help reelect Governor Lawton Chiles.  And, since then, I have made it my personal duty and obligation to serve in whatever capacity I can.
    My most fulfilling service has been in the field of public education.  I reach out daily to our future leaders.  I work side-by-side with the most professional people I know.  I work to make a difference in the policies that affect our ability to best serve our students.
    I can talk about the committees that I served on, the commentaries that I have had published, and the elected officials whom I know personally.  Instead, I want you to know that I am the same dedicated building representative who first started over ten years ago.  I am committed to seeking respect and dignity for our profession.  I am committed to you.
    Thank you for your support.
    John Meeks.


  1. John Meeks is an awesome teacher who cares about our children and the public education system. He definitely should be on the Duval Teachers United board of directors. As a former teacher, I am proud to say that the teachers have someone who is committed and dedicated to the teachers and children of Duval County. Vote for John Meeks! Thank you.

  2. Why doesn't he run for DTU president? We have had enough of Terrie Brady. We need someone who will fight for teachers and not be so accommodating to the super.

    1. I totally agree; vote out that JELLY FISH - No Bones! No Good! John Meeks has a SPINE and a COMPLETE SKELETAL STRUCTURE. Certainly he will not serve COOKIES & COOL-AID to the SUPER. John Meeks for President DTU. Go John!

  3. As usual, we are not allowed to vote for anybody but Terrie.
