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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Vitti, but I really, really, really want it!

Oy vey from the I can't make this up file and the Times Union:

He (Vitti) also wants to move the boys school from its existing location, at Butler Middle School, to Northwestern so the Young Women’s Leadership Academy can grow at Butler.
Board member Paula Wright pointed out that a working group and a parent forum at Northwestern Middle indicated they did not want the single-gender approach at Northwestern. Her district includes Northwestern.
The parent and community group supported instead having a career and vocational focus, with elective courses pointing students to career courses at A. Philip Randolph or Andrew Jackson High schools, Wright said.
The school also would keep its accelerated program for advanced students.
Vitti proposed incorporating both ideas: the career option and the single gender option.
Board chairwoman Ashley Smith Juarez said she believes it is disrespectful to the parents and the working group to come back to them with the same proposal that some of them rejected several months ago.
Vitti pointed out that as superintendent he can make a proposal and present it to the community, while seeking their input.
I can hear it now, but i really, really want it guys, come on.
Smith Juarez broke ranks from Shine and Grimes who would support the superintendent even if he stood in Times Square and shot somebody.  

Two things I want to point out, first the parents already said no, and Vitti said I don't care and second Butler was a D school, there is absolutely no evidence saying it will be successful going forward, why can't we collect a little data before we blow up another community? Is that to much to ask?

This whole episode reminds of the two times now that he has threatened to take legal action if he didn't get his way.

Oy vey

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