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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nothing Trey Csar nor the Jacksonville Public Education fund says, can be taken seriously.

Sigh, I wish it wasn't so. I wish we did have an independent organization that was dedicated to helping our public schools but sadly JPEF isn't it. They have a financial stake in convincing the people of Jacksonville that our schools are doing well as where the district stops and they start has become increasingly blurred. They must have been very nervous last fall when the supers job was on the line because they probably would have had to hit the road with him.

From the Times Union

  Public perception about the School Board’s performance and Superintendent Nikolai Vitti’s performace — as very or somewhat effective — fell slightly, about 2 percentage points down from last year, but that was still within the margin of error. More than half all adults felt that Vitti and the School Board are effective.

Um what? Who are they taking to? They may have reached out to the only 256 people in the city who finds the board and super effective. Did they use the Super and Trey Csars Rolodex to find who they would survey? Did they talk to anybody who was aware of what happened last fall?

I don't want to say everything JPEF does is bad, they have done teacher round tables and held discussion groups which are valuable, though everyone I went to left possibilities on the table but make no mistake their agenda is to privatize our schools, to give them over to vouchers and charters and what's worse is they know, like the Super does that the charters in Duval when compared to public schools grossly under perform.  

Furthermore where we should acknowledge our rising graduation rates, we shouldn't be throwing parades like Csar suggest quite yet.


"There is, in Jacksonville, a cultural bias against improving public schools," Csar added. "There is a community belief that our public schools are not improving and I think when you look at measures like the graduation rate, that is demonstrably not true."

DCPS had a 79% graduation rate in the 2015-16 school years, while those who were polled thought it was at 62% on average. A similar trend took place the year prior when the actual was at 77% and the perception was 61% on average.

Um do you know where else graduation rates are up, why that would be everywhere and by the way my high school teacher friends tell me they are often cajoled I am surprised our graduation rate isn't 99 percent. 

The reality is we a have a lot of great things going on in Duval, thousands of amazing teachers and tens of thousands of amazing students, we even have a couple board members worth their salt too, but I firmly believe that our teachers and students are succeeding in despite of the super and administration not because of them, and I likewise believe, JPEF should go all in for our public schools, or step aside. 


  1. Ageeed. And Retention rates are down too ? , but that is because teacher judgement does not matter despite state statute. Students are passed in just because they have some arbitrary growth on an unproven assessment like I-ready. They can be 2 years behind and get the minimal amount of growth, stay 2 years behind but be passed on even though teachers feel anothe treat in K or 1 would benefit the child. Don't get me wrong I am not an advocate for retention, but let's do what is best for the child and not what someone who has never met the child and has limited or NO experience with children make the decision.

    1. Sorry about all the typos. I get a little passionate. Year not treat

  2. JPEF contracted UNF to conduct the survey and UNF polled 510 random adults in Duval County. The average person on the streets does not know what is going on in Duval County Schools. I challenge JPEF to contract UNF to conduct a survey with all Duval County School teachers.

  3. Amen! I am so glad someone out there is calling out Mr. Csar and JPEF. They are a joke and Trey himself is a money-laundering scam artist who does NOT have students or teacher interests at JPEF's forefront. They have a hidden $52 million via the Community Foundations Organization to make their IRS tax filings look "non-profit".
