Aaron Bowman send a records request straight to the superintendent and I think we should examine this choice of his.
First it comes against the backdrop that Bowman has been one of the biggest opponents of the sales tax referendum, and other than, because, he hasn't really articulated a good reason for being so. He also said on Tuesday that if the school board didn't do what he wanted he would be the referendum's worst nightmare.
So there is that.
Now lets look at his request, he wanted all material related to the district's time line for construction, when they came up with it, drafts etc. A lite in the weeds if you ask me but nothing extraordinary. What smoking gun he is looking for I don't know.
So Bowman sends his records request straight to the superintendent.
Now here is the thing, Superintendent Greene runs an organization bigger than the city. The district has a bigger budget, more employees and owns and operates more buildings, then throw in the district is getting ready for a hurricane, including setting up shelters and that's a lot.
If you had a records request for Bowman, you wouldn't send that request right to Bowman and I know because I have had records request about Bowman.
I asked about emails about the IDEA charter schools, to see all the council members where the charter schools were discussed. I know for a fact Bowman received at least three, one of which was from me, but his assistant, through the records request department told me he had no such emails.
Not knowing if it was just a mistake or a lie I asked for all of Bowman's emails over a two month period, that way I could just look on my own. At first the city said I would have to wait till December, but then they wanted to charge me 61 dollars. Not wanting to do either I just let it go.
The thing is like City Hall the district has people that process records requests and the superintendent is not that person.
Bowman makes the matter worse because he said he expected the info by noon on Tuesday.
Um, he sent them the request on a Thursday, a Thursday I will remind everyone where we had a hurricane heading in our direction. First what's the rush and second, you don't demand information and put a time table on it. Well normal folks don't anyways. I bet he thought he was king of the world when he was president of the city council, but that's not how things work.
Who does this guy think he is that he can fight against the city's schools and children, because reasons, and then make demands of the superintendent who quite frankly daily does more important things than Bowman has done in his entire life. Bowman is a bully and it's a shame the city has to suffer him.

First it comes against the backdrop that Bowman has been one of the biggest opponents of the sales tax referendum, and other than, because, he hasn't really articulated a good reason for being so. He also said on Tuesday that if the school board didn't do what he wanted he would be the referendum's worst nightmare.
So there is that.
Now lets look at his request, he wanted all material related to the district's time line for construction, when they came up with it, drafts etc. A lite in the weeds if you ask me but nothing extraordinary. What smoking gun he is looking for I don't know.
So Bowman sends his records request straight to the superintendent.
Now here is the thing, Superintendent Greene runs an organization bigger than the city. The district has a bigger budget, more employees and owns and operates more buildings, then throw in the district is getting ready for a hurricane, including setting up shelters and that's a lot.
If you had a records request for Bowman, you wouldn't send that request right to Bowman and I know because I have had records request about Bowman.
I asked about emails about the IDEA charter schools, to see all the council members where the charter schools were discussed. I know for a fact Bowman received at least three, one of which was from me, but his assistant, through the records request department told me he had no such emails.
Not knowing if it was just a mistake or a lie I asked for all of Bowman's emails over a two month period, that way I could just look on my own. At first the city said I would have to wait till December, but then they wanted to charge me 61 dollars. Not wanting to do either I just let it go.
The thing is like City Hall the district has people that process records requests and the superintendent is not that person.
Bowman makes the matter worse because he said he expected the info by noon on Tuesday.
Um, he sent them the request on a Thursday, a Thursday I will remind everyone where we had a hurricane heading in our direction. First what's the rush and second, you don't demand information and put a time table on it. Well normal folks don't anyways. I bet he thought he was king of the world when he was president of the city council, but that's not how things work.
Who does this guy think he is that he can fight against the city's schools and children, because reasons, and then make demands of the superintendent who quite frankly daily does more important things than Bowman has done in his entire life. Bowman is a bully and it's a shame the city has to suffer him.

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