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Sunday, April 18, 2021

DCPS's @#&$ teachers attitude continues daily

This is my 21st year in the district and the worst it has ever been for teachers. This administration and board give zero #@%&s about the staff, and it's time we all admitted it.

I am not going to rehash staff's shoddy treatment during the pandemic, but that is a huge factor. I think it just revealed how little they care about staff, but that sadly is just the tip of the iceberg.

Senate Bill 1014 comes up for a vote this week, and the district's silence is complicity. This bill would end automatic paycheck withdraws for the union. Proposed by local rep Qanon Byrd, it exempts police, fire, and prison unions who all have automatic payroll deductions too, you know, for reasons. If Greene or the board were to speak up, this bill might lose some of its steam but don't hold your breath.

Then many veteran teachers are going to get a pay cut this year. The district played a little lip service to this at a meeting in January and said they would address this. Fast forward to today, and the district flush with cash, probably in a better position than it has ever been in and nothing. Not a peep. I was told by the district 2 years ago when I first came out against the referendum because it didn't address staff salaries that when the referendum passed, they would be in a better position to address that. Well, friends, it passed six months ago and nothing. @&$3 em. 

More walkthroughs, learning arcs, increased testing, a tone-deaf mental health campaign, and the inability to address race, including sidelining a popular teacher at Lee High school for standing up to racists, and the hits keep coming.

Poor leadership and poor policies will lead to poor outcomes. I have been writing about education in the district since 2007, and this is worse than it has ever been. Heck, they make me miss the halcyon days of Vitti and Burney.

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