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Saturday, May 21, 2022

DCPS sides with biggots and homphobes and attack the LGBTQ community (draft)

Florida has been attacking the LGBTQ community for years now, whether it was the trans athlete ban, the "don't say gay" bill, or funding discrimination through vouchers, there can be little doubt about how the state, sorry, Tallahassee feels. How DCPS feels was a little more complicated though there can be little doubt now.

When the trans athlete ban and the don't say gay bills, came out the district was silent, a choice they made despite being pressed to weigh in. Instead of saying something like these bills were unnecessary and they marginalized an already marginalized community, they chose to say nothing. Until they said something, kind of.

I would say Charlotte Joyce turned heal, but it really feels like she has been one since day one and placed a resolution praising the governor and the don't say gay bill on the school board agenda, and this brought the loons and a few earnest people I believe who have just been tricked into believing depravity is happening in our schools, out of the woodwork. Hundreds of them showed up and they all had something they wanted to get off their chests.  

There were hundreds of comment cards and the school board had to listen to their fact-free, often mean, and a fair share of crazy thoughts, for hours. Public comments started close to 7 and last over 6 hours. I have been closely following the school board for years and I had never seen anything like it.

After the last comment, the board then voted 6-1 to table the resolution which effectively ended it.  Some people thought of this as a victory, though the reality is it was more like kissing one's cousin. Sure you git a kiss, but it was your cousin. The bard ould have said, we support our LGBTQ community, and where we plan to comply with the law, it was necessary and cruel. They didn't, in fact, after hours of listening t the worst of us lie, exaggerate, and attack, they didn't do anything, and often doing nothing has consequences.  

In this case, it probably led to the district's gutting of its LGBTQ support guide. 

They got rid of 29 out of 37 pages of the support guide and stripped out all the written protections for transgender students. The gist is now they will take cases on a case by case basis, which means 160 schools will do things in 160 different ways, which seems like a terrible way of doing things but more insidious, teachers and staff will be required to out children who identify as LGBTQ children who for whatever reasons haven't informed their parents, to those parents. Now there can be lots of reasons a child has made that decision but as far as I can tell none of them are good.

This means the district has chosen to side with the state in further marginalizing an already marginalized and vulnerable community. They sided with the worst of us the people who spoke and said horrible things at the school board meeting rather than our students and teachers and shame on them for doing so. 

At some point the district's silence becomes complicity, the thing is the district has now gone beyond silence, and they through their actions have joined with the moms 4 liberty and the other bigots and homophobes looking to force their ignorant and myopic views on the rest of us. That's who "team Duval" has sided with. 

1 comment:

  1. At some point we have to start believing the district when they tell us who they are. It's not about the kids anymore and I'm not sure if it ever has been about them. The majority of the board might have their hearts in the right place but that and 25¢ won't get you jacksquat. If you could go back in time & ask those silent/complicit Germans if they regret letting the Nazis hijack their country without any recourse what do you think they'd say? That's what I thought.
