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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Raines high school

Once again while trying to build Raines High School up Tanyaa Weathersbee does it a disservice. First some of the positives she points to are the same as me celebrating a five-pound loss after I recently gained ten pounds. Nearly every school saw their writing and science scores improve because the tests were made easier and nearly every school saw their suspension rates drop because the Duval County School district decided to move away from discipline.

The real problems with Raines are indicative of the systemic problems in the education system and will never improve now matter how many rallies or dinners we have unless we work to change them. How do kids make it to high school and not be able to read or do math? Well it’s because Duval County pushes them along without the skills they need and when they get to high school there is nowhere else for them to be pushed to.

Why aren’t kids doing better in school? It’s because they are all in a one size fits all curriculum instead of being in a curriculum that plays both to their interests and strengths. It’s also because a few kids rob teachers of the ability to teach and other kids the ability to learn.

Finally these problems aren’t exclusive to Raines high school. They are duplicated far and wide throughout the district. Ms. Weathersbee if you want things to improve at Raines and you seem passionate about it; start with above.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher


  1. You are so right! How come no one is listening to those who know and really make sense? Duval Schools do not have a clue how to do what is right or makes just plain old common sense. I read your article in Folio Weekly and I agree tht we have to offer the kids something they are interested and and use it as a carrot to get them to do the things they should! Please run for the School Board - amybe someone will listen then!

  2. The School Board is not going to listen!

    The District Administrators are not going to listen!

    The School-Based Administrator are not going to listen!

    Antone with ANY authority is not going to listen because they are all "EXPERTS", so they don't have to listen.

    Mr. Pratt-Dannals needs to go to the schools and sit down with teachers. Talk with them. Have a meaningful conversation with them one-on-one, in private with NO Administrators. Assure them that everything would be, for their protection, off the record.He would then be able to "get a feel" for how things really are. I think he is so insulated from the facts of what's going on in the schools, that he doesn't have a clue. Him, and most Administrators at the district level, including the School Board are totally OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY.

    GET OUT OF YOUR OFFICES. Go to the schools,unannounced, and just walk around. Interact with teachers, students and support staff, including custodians and cafeteria workers. Ask them for their honest opinion, again, off the record.

    If you all would do this, you may get some insight into what's really going on in the schools on a daily basis. It yould be---AN ENLIGHTENING EXPERIENCE.

  3. It's not just educators suffering at the inept hands of DCPS. Ask a few Civil Service Employees if DCPS follows their own rules!
