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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Local media strangly silent on Scott's education plans

I appreciate the Folio writing about Rick Scott’s disaster of an education plan, which boils down to welfare for the well off. Strangely the local media especially the Times Union has been silent on the issue. So silent I can’t help but wonder if after not endorsing him they have decided it’s better to join him. They have already joined him in discounting teachers influence on education.

One thing I wish the Folio would have also mentioned is the makeup of his 23-person education team. There, for profit charter schools, which would directly benefit from the new education voucher program, businesses and even carpet-baggers (controversial former Washington D.C. chancellor Michelle Rhee) are represented. Sadly the one group left in the cold is teachers. Scott actualy has one on his team though he teaches at a virtual school. So much for working together with all the partners involved in education.

Disappointingly that’s the norm when assembling groups to talk about education. The aforementioned Times Union’s City of Hope steering committee also has no actual classroom teachers. Can you imagine a group assembled to talk about medical issues but didn’t include doctors or legal issues that didn’t include the police, well Rick Scott and the Times Union can.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher

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