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Monday, July 11, 2011

Duval Partners emerges from its bunker with all the wrong answers

When Duval Partners was hunkered down in their bunker deciding how to escape the obligation they made not to just the School Board but to the city of Jacksonville to run the intervene schools they must not have had access to a computer. If they did they might not have went with Jeffrey Hernandez’s EMO, National Academic Educational Partners. The internet you see is full of stories about his autocratic leadership style and reviews of how his company has done managing other schools. In case you are wondering the reviews are spotty at best for this 18-month-old company. This however did not deter the Duval Partners from asking them to come in.

I don’t understand why the Duval Partners didn’t say months ago, we’re not up to the job. It is going to be a hard job and this hand picked group really doesn’t have any experiences in public education. There would have been no shame in that. However there should be lots of shame in waiting till the last minute to announce they would be bringing in outsiders to run the school. Outsiders with a spotty track record to boot.

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