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Monday, July 11, 2011

Duval partners has the city gasping in disbelief

After months of secret meeting Duval Partners emerged from their hidden bunker with a bit of news that has people across the city gasping is disbelief. They have hired Brenda Priestly-Jackson to be their executive director and run the intervene schools that they may be taking over.

You might recognize the name because Mrs. Priestly-Jackson in November completed 8 years on the school board. Years where she represented three of the four intervene schools. That should give her knowledge about the schools unfortunately during her school board run she wasn’t able to translate that knowledge into anything approaching success.

Hiring her would be like President Obama bringing in George Bush to run the economy. Whatever little good will the Duval Partners had left, after their recent bait and switch with the school board, was just wasted.

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