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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Education reformers hate black kids. I said it now let me count the ways.

My girlfriend Julie says I am a bit long winded so I am I am just going to get right to it.

1. KIPP and TFA funnel their minions into mostly minority neighborhoods, meaning black kids get to a school no affluent white family would send their kid to and they get a novice teacher without an education background to boot.

2. School recognition money predominantly goes to the schools in the suburbs or with low amounts of minority children. Why would a great teacher want to give up a chance at an annual bonus to go teach at a school where kids could really use their skills but the chance of getting a bonus is almost nill?

3. Charter schools, they aren’t for the rich districts like St. Johns they are for the poor districts like Duval and if you don’t believe me just ask John Thrasher.

4. Bright futures are getting a little less bright for minority kids as the requirements are going up and up.

5. Finally school closings, check out the info graphic below and cringe.

1 comment:

  1. If the charter school movement ever meets its match, it will be because suburban school districts like Clay County have been forced by the state to allow charter schools to open. In spite of their misgivings and reservations, the Clay County School Board has to defer to the state on this issue. We will see other suburban school districts join a backlash because it was always an assumption of elected officials in suburban school districts that charter schools would make inroads in urban districts while hoping that more affluent school districts would maintain a gentleman's agreement with the state to keep their traditional public schools above the fray. Wake up call? Yes.
