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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sen. Anitere Flores, Florida’s latest worst legislature ever!

There are many problems with Florida’s evaluation system. One of the biggest was many teachers were being evaluated on kids they didn’t teach. The senate with the help of the Florida Education Association was seeking to rectify this until Senator Flories added an amendment to the bill.

(from the Tampa Times) The new amendment to SB 980 would require that students not be assigned to teachers who have received a "needs improvement" or "unsatisfactory" rating in two consecutive years, unless they get parental consent in some cases.

So let me get this straight, she potentially wants teachers who received needs improvement evaluations based on students they didn’t teach and a flawed evaluation system to get parents’ permission to teach them.

The FEA will no longer be supporting the bill, "There's an evaluation system that has not been proven to be able to identify anything," said Jeff Wright, who oversees public policy advocacy for the Florida Education Association. "We don't trust it to identify which teachers need improvement or are unsatisfactory."

But maybe that was Flores’s intent in the first place.

To read more check the link:

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