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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tax dollars originally earmarked for your child's education, books, lunches and so on now earmarked for corporate profits

When discussing the parent trigger bill (by John Romano).

"I've never heard of making a profit being a bad thing,'' said Rep. George Moraitis R-Fort Lauderdale. "This is the United States of America.''
He's nailed his geography, but Moraitis might have an economics issue. Those profits he is so gleefully pushing toward out-of-state charter companies are supplied by your tax dollars. Tax dollars originally earmarked for your child's education, books, lunches and so on.
"There's nothing wrong with a company making a profit,'' said Mindy Gould, the legislation chair for the Florida PTA. "But when it's made off the backs of our children, I think it becomes a problem.''

And there you have it friends, what the debate is really about.

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