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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bush Surrogate stands up for him and common core.

Apparently if you are not in love with Jeb and Common core, then you don't know what you are talking about.

I don’t think Lloyd Browns tactic of insulting people is going to sway many to thinking common core and Jeb Bush’s unwavering support of it is a good thing. When I have a discussion about different opinions I find using facts is a better strategy.

First common core does not address our main education problem poverty. Not only do our international test scores zoom to the top when we factor out poverty but I hope it is not lost on anybody that a fifth of Florida’s children live in poverty and a fifth of our third graders scored a 1 on the FCAT reading test.  I guess it is arguable whether common core is a better strategy than address poverty, but I don’t know how common core supporters expect it to fill a hungry child’s belly, make them feel safe in their neighborhoods, motivate more parents to be involved and make up the deficits that children living in poverty have pre-school.  I believe addressing poverty is a better strategy than basically blowing up the system, but people like Brown and Bush obviously disagree.

The really crazy thing is it would probably cost less to address poverty. We are sending 220 million to the American Institute of research over four years and this does not include the infrastructure updates and training programs that will cost tens if not hundreds of millions more to get district’s ready to fully implement common core.

What if we spent just that 220 million, 55 million a year to provide wrap around services to our most struggling children? The reason, because often why a kid acts up or does poorly in school often has nothing to do with school.  We could hire about 800 social workers and counselors to help and provide services to those children.  I believe that would make a dent in our problem though people like Brown and Bush disagree, preferring a more high stakes testing approach instead.  

Then Brown, once again calling people low information voters discounts the role of the federal government in the formation of common core. First the Federal government did not let a good crisis go to waste. They used the great recession offering cash strapped and desperate states what amounted to pennies on the dollar in exchange for local control and as the recession has waned they have used No Child left Behind waivers to force states to comply. Now some states might love common core but to ignore or down play the federal government’s role in implementing it is disingenuous.  

Ultimately Brown’s main argument seems to be Jeb Bush likes it and you should too.  Though you should have a problem with this because of the fact Jeb Bush was in charge of education for eight years, and his policies have dominated the state since he left office.  If there are problems in education and I think there are then shouldn’t he assume the lion’s share of responsibility? With this huge pivot to common core it seems to me that he is either asking for a do over or he is saying what he did failed.  Though once again I imagine Brown and Bush would disagree. 

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