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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Gary Chartrand’s Florida race based goals come under scrutiny

First I would like to remind you that his family and inner circle have donated money to Darryl Willie and Becki Couch’s election campaigns. How they feel about race based goals is unknown to me at the time, but I know people usually donate to people who have similar ideas about issues and it was under Chartrand that Florida instituted its race based goals.

Okay the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Dream Defenders have both come out against Florida’s race based goals as have most decent folk I imagine.   

From State Impact: “We’re sending a message that we expect less of certain kids for no reason other than the color of their skin,” said Tania Galloni, the managing attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Florida office. She went to Tallahassee with students and other activists to bring the petition against the unequal standards.

“We know from decades of research that when you lower expectations for a group of people, people internalize that information,” said Galloni.

Race based goals to me seem like the text book definition of a self fulfilling prophecy and have no business in education. If Chartrand wasn’t a grocer he might understand that.

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