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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Scott Shine shows some humility, Warren Jones shows his true colors

Two new members joined the school board yesterday, Lori Hershey and Warren Jones but that wasn't the only news as the board picked its new leadership team as well.

As expected and probably overdue Paula Wright ascended to the board chair position. Historical the vice chair usually fills that spot and then another board member becomes vice chair while the former chair rejoins the board just as a member. Yesterday however things took a weird turn and it all started when Scott Shine was nominated to become vice chair. Thankfully for the district he could only get three votes, his Cheryl Grymes and Warren Jones, or as they should be known as "The Gary Chartrand Coalition" of non educators.

If Connie Hall had been reelected it is highly unlikely she would have sided with Grymes and Shine, but Jones doing so gives us a clear indication of where he will likely fall in upcoming decisions about charter schools, the nearly unfettered power of the super and the continued destruction of neighborhood schools.  

In what had to be an incredibly embarrassing moment for Shine, he seemed to take it in stride.

From the Times Union:

   But the vote on vice chair reflects some persistent divisions on the board.
Shine won three votes: himself and board members Jones and Cheryl Grymes. On other matters this year, Grymes and Shine have voted with each other and in support of Superintendent Nikolai Vitti.
Smith Juarez won five votes, including herself and board members Wright, Rebecca Couch, Hershey and Jones while Grymes and Shine voted no. Wright, Smith Juarez and Couch have at times voted together and challenged Vitti on some issues.
By board rules, board members could vote more than once if the first person nominated didn’t get a majority, which is why Jones voted twice.

 Shine said Monday before the vote that he might have made some board problems worse, but he is ready now to work and speak more collaboratively.

“What’s that expression about being a lone wolf? You might get bit,” he said.
I am not sure if that wolf thing is an expression but he is right he has made things worse and not just on the board but in the district as well.

He has voted for the proliferation of charter schools in sections of towns that don't need them and despite their dubious credentials.

He has supported the destruction of neighborhood schools, which really just kicks the can of academic woes down the road and he is often unprepared and also almost single handily destroyed decorum on the board and those aren't my words.

Also from the Times Union:

 Smith Juarez said this week she doubted whether Shine would restrain himself enough to be an effective board vice chairman.

In recent weeks, Shine has been criticized for his sometimes vitriolic written communications with Chris Guerrieri, a teacher, blogger and frequent district critic. He also was criticized by some board members for telling the news media when he suspected Smith Juarez of plotting to hold a surprise board vote to oust Vitti.
The fact Shine has acknowledged his shortcomings is encouraging but quite frankly he has a long way to go if he ever wants to be a quality school board member.

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