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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Scott Shine has police watch me, tells them I am a danger to those around me (rough draft)

Let me start by saying I will be very glad when I never had to write about Shine again and I can get back to how Tallahassee is trying to dismantle public education or how the district is improving, which are by far more important stories.

I will let Shine's words do the talking for him.

Um, blood shot eyes? Oy vey.

I did speak at the board meeting where I encouraged the district to join the lawsuit against HB 7069, and pointed out that Mr. Shine said in an article to the Beach's Leader that a positive benefit of HB 7069 is that union teachers would lose their jobs, a sentiment I vigorously disagreed with.

When Shine spoke he said he was against both the bill and the lawsuit and went onto to say the members of the Duval Delegation that voted for the bill only did so because they were both ignorant and scared of speaker Corcoran, which if true is pretty gutless on the delegation's part if you ask me.

You can listen to the 7/19 meeting here,

I am pretty sure that Mrs. Wright who came and spoke to me after the meeting about a piece I did on Gary Chartrand and the Quality Education for All initiative had a different perspective on my demeanor and felt safe enough to do so.

If anything I was very happy after the meeting, after all the board voted to join the lawsuit and Shine both called himself the lawsuit cowboy and announced to all those in attendance that he had to pee which amused me greatly.

Unbeknownst to me Shine had the DCPS police watch me, and where I am not saying my life was in danger, people with guns were put on alert about me and Shine told them I may be a danger to those around me, that is disconcerting to say the least.

Then he questions my state of mind to both the superintendent and the assistant superintendent in charge of human resources and not because I was threatening or bothering him but because he doesn't like me and what I had to say. I am a teacher and he is a school board member saying I might he a danger to those people around me, do you know who is around me a lot? Children. If he felt I was potentially such a danger how can he allow me to continue in the classroom.

I have said many things about Shine's performance on the board but I have never said he was a danger to people (and friends I have seen his YouTube channel and I found at least one of his videos disturbing to say the least), just that I vigorously disagreed with his beliefs but my words never put him in physical danger.

This is who is representing district 2 and we can and should do better.  


  1. Sounds like this snowflake is feeling triggered.

  2. Really Mr. Shine? You were paranoid of your own teachers? I hope Mr. Shine is voted out of office.

  3. WOW!! What our teachers have to endure from asshats like him is beyond infuriating. HE is the one that is a danger to the public around him. Keep doing what you are doing and keep exposing the asshat for what he is. LOVE your blog. Read it all the time. I am in Tampa.
