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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Ex city council member Schellenberg files for Hershey's school board seat

Oh Jacksonville you love a recycled politician living off the public dole don't you. That wasn't a question as Matt Schellenberg has filed to run for school board district 7 against Lori Hershey.

Until past summer I didn't follow city politics very closely but the few times Schellenberg came up it wasn't good.

Here is a piece I did and the title is Schellenberg represents all that is wrong in city politics, so that should give you an idea what it is about.

And here is another where he refuses to support the school tax referendum.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

At every opportunity he has denigrated and refused to support Duval County public schools yet he thinks for some reasons, my guesses are hubris, ignorance and disdain for public ed that he should replace Lori Hershey who has been overall a very good school board member

I say overall because to be honest I think she is to close to JPEF and there's a few comments about working with charters I don't like, but it's easy for me to log bombs from the cheap seats while she is in the fray and don't think for a second that my 90 percent friend is my ten percent enemy. Plus Mrs. Hershey if you are reading this communication under Green between the district and staff is as bad as ever and maybe you can work on that during your second term.

Since Hershey got to the school board she has been a tireless and fierce advocate for public education and she walked the walk even before getting to the district.

Every election cycle there are a half dozen candidates who loved kids and schools so much they had to run but when they don't win, you never hear from them again. That wasn't Hershey who ran in 2012 against Fischer. No she stayed in the game and fought for kids and even if I disagree with her here and there, she is somebody I want to continue to fight for us.

Schellenberg, what has he done for public ed? Nothing but undermine it. We don't need another recycled politician on the board, especially one that seems to have nothing but disdain for public ed.

Image result for matthew schellenberg jacksonville

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