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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Superintendent Greene is looking at this the wrong way. A potentially dangerous and ineffective way. (draft)

We got an email from the superintendent which I will post in its entirety at the bottom but I wanted to concentrate on the following two paragraphs. 

I understand that many of us are exploring new territory in these rapidly changing conditions. We will certainly learn lessons along the way, and I am convinced the lessons we learn will enhance our practice across the district when we return to our normal operations. We know learning takes support, and we are ready to support you as we move into this new era. That support will begin with a day of training and coaching for school-based personnel this Friday, March 20.

Your school principal will contact you directly regarding the details of that training. So that principals and others working on this roll-out can focus on the logistics of our plan, we ask that you please hold your questions and feedback until Friday’s training. I can assure you this training effort will respect all guidance for social distancing and other requirements for health and safety.

Definitely new territory but as I get it, staff is supposed to return Friday for some hastily thrown together professional development. 

So does the district really expect us to go back Friday?

Spring break was extended to the 23rd yet now we are coming back Friday? and the FLDOE says all campuses are closed, their words not mine.

 All public and private K-12 and career and technical center campuses are closed through April 15, 2020.   

I am not trying to be difficult but shouldn't we be just trying to get through this? My school only has 2 dozen teachers but what about schools with 50 or more or you know, most of them.

What about those staff who may be compromised or who have already reported having to isolate? Is it take a sick day for them?

So let me get this straight, the districts plan is to take a bunch of stressed out teachers give them some hastily thrown together professional development and then to roll out distance learning to 120k kids many of who are just as stressed, and more than a few of who don't have internet resources.  

Talk about new territory.

This is what I think. We just have to survive this. If kids miss a month or learning that sucks but its not going to stump their growths and now that we don't have to spend a month of testing they are going to make that up quick.

What's wrong with people just being safe. 6 months from now we can look back and go wow, but right now I am to busy washing my hands 39 times a day and staying 6 feet away from everyone. 

The district should spend the next few weeks coming up with a plan that won't be half assed and will have a chance of succeeding that they can implement on the 15th if we still have to be out then. Not rush into anything. 

Is saying we did something worth anybody getting sick or worse?

What am I missing.

If you disagree, I get it, please just be polite. I won't be mad at you. Like Greene said, this is new territory.

Here is the entire email.

 Team Duval,
We are ready.

Because of our early spring break and the extraordinary measures being taken in the nation to prevent the spread of COVID-19, our team has been working tirelessly, and in collaboration with our employee representative groups, to orchestrate a massive deployment of home education. Today, the Governor’s announcement moved us from planning to implementation.

We are now unveiling for our families and community, Duval HomeRoom, a comprehensive approach to engaged student learning.

Our new Duval HomeRoom initiative will provide opportunities to keep students moving forward educationally. The initiative will employ creative approaches to standards aligned instruction appropriate for all student grade levels, delivered at a distance for the health and safety of staff and families.

Tomorrow, we will be sharing more details and answering questions for how the Duval HomeRoom initiative will work.

I understand that many of us are exploring new territory in these rapidly changing conditions. We will certainly learn lessons along the way, and I am convinced the lessons we learn will enhance our practice across the district when we return to our normal operations. We know learning takes support, and we are ready to support you as we move into this new era. That support will begin with a day of training and coaching for school-based personnel this Friday, March 20.

Your school principal will contact you directly regarding the details of that training. So that principals and others working on this roll-out can focus on the logistics of our plan, we ask that you please hold your questions and feedback until Friday’s training. I can assure you this training effort will respect all guidance for social distancing and other requirements for health and safety.

As I have said in previous notes, this is an unprecedented time, but we are ready. Our Team Duval spirit, our core values, and our mission focus on educational excellence have prepared us to adapt. These are extraordinary circumstances, and together, as a team, we will thrive.



  1. My school has over 100 teachers. I did not bring anything home over the break so I would need to pick up my laptop and items for my lessons. I am not in the risk group as far as going on a cruise or out of the country but have older parents and some health risks myself. I was a bit surprised to see the email and I can think of some of my co workers who do not even look at their email except when they are at school. I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens.

  2. Over 120 teachers at my school.

  3. Part of the problem here is that she is following the directives of the man who called Donald Trump "bold, smart, and kind". They HAVE to begin virtual learning on the 23rd according to Corcoran. For what it's worth, everyone else but the teachers came back yesterday and will have been here all week when you arrive. And that's not snark, but just a point that they had everyone else come in and try to get things ready for you guys to come back.
    I really feel like they are taking this serious. The questions and concerns I have raised for my members have been addressed quickly and politely,and usually in favor of the employee.
    I really hope the plans and training aren't "hastily" thrown together. I know they have base-level contingency plans for stuff like this that usually only has to be fine tuned for the specific threat. The week before spring break, Dr. Greene laid out a pretty extensive beginning of a plan at the monthly Board meeting, so we know they've been working on this a while.

  4. I agree with Chris. Let's take a month off to deal with keeping our sanity. My wife is going crazy now trying to figure out how to teach her high school students solely online and our kids at the same time. The majority of the parents at the elementary school I work at could care less about distance learning. Crank out the iReady/Achieve, cancel the rest of the school year, and pay the teachers.
