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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lunch Time Comes Early

I saw a commercial for gogurt the other day. In the commercial there was smiling, happy, children eating it like there was no tomorrow. Gogurt is seemingly a yogurt in a tube concoction and somebody’s million-dollar idea.

At the end of the commercial as the children were slurping down the last remnants of the neon pink goo an announcer came on. He said, specially designed to defrost by lunch time. Now let’s back up and examine what we have here. We have perhaps the greatest invention ever, edible neon pink goo in a tube that’s designed to defrost by lunch time so kids can take it to school. Then they can have the fun eating there as well. BRILLIANT!!!

Yep specially designed to defrost by lunch time, unless you go to Ed White high school that is, there it would still be frozen. You see lunch there starts at 9:36 in the morning. Not even two and a half hours after school began kids go to lunch, which wouldn’t be so much of a problem if school started at nine.

Lunch is no longer a natural mid day break instead it is breakfast. Kids show up exhausted because school starts at 7:10 and many I would imagine do so without breakfast, for those the start time might be fortuitous, though I am sure that is an unintended consequence. By the time they start to put it together they go to lunch, which naturally slows them down again. Furthermore kids that stay after school for tutoring or sports won’t have an opportunity to eat anything but junk food for way to long. Many of those that do leave wont’ eat again for seven or eight hours if not longer. I hope I am not the only one who sees a problem with this. These things all play a role on student performance.

We put kids in nearly impossible situations and then we scratch our heads when they don’t succeed, this is what society does.

It’s really kind of sad and not just sad because the gogurt doesn’t have time to defrost.


  1. Chris, What an informative and important article! I shared this on my Facebook page and wish this was required reading for parents, teachers, and students.

    Thank you!

  2. God bless you for telling people about this. I discovered the Duval County School Board's seriously unhealthy practice when my daughter started skipping breakfast at home and I have been ranting about this ever since. And it is even earlier on "Early Release Days"!

    Another brilliant idea from the brain trust on the Southbank!
