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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Merit Pay, why I am against it

The Times Union thinks that test scores of teacher's students should be revealed, they think it would be fair. I disagree and this is why.

I ran into one of my students in the hall, which isn’t that strange, sadly the fact that he had missed my class, which he was supposed to be in the period before, wasn’t all that strange either. I said hey, where you been, we missed you in class. He looked at me and said, I lost my schedule and didn’t know where to go.

I could just imagine this young man searching the halls of Ed White high school looking for help but finding none. I even imagined him a little panicked that he was missing my class. Furthermore in my fantasy he was also saying to himself, I got to find Mr. G’s class so I can learn.

Instead of making a big deal out of it, I just smiled, shook my head and said; well let’s go get you a new schedule so that never happens again. While we were waiting he told me he had to go to his reading class, apparently that part of the schedule he remembered. I said okay and walked him to that class just to make sure he got there. We never did get him a new schedule so it may be a while before I see him again.

Then in my first period class we are studying the scientific method and the parts of an experiment, you know hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control groups and conclusions. Today’s assignment was to design an experiment. A young man came in considerably late, busses of course, and was a little behind. Most of the class finished ahead of him.

When he turned in his assignment I noticed his experiment was identical to the student next to him. When I suggested he had copied, he became indignant, no way Mr. G, I would never copy, I came up with that all on my own. As he was protesting the charges, I thought, well maybe I am being to hard on him, I guess it’s possible for two separate people to design a pour bleach on gas experiment. Then I thought nah, probably not possible. He protested for a while but eventually agreed to come up with a new experiment. Oh and believe it or not this kid is one of the brightest and likeable students in my class.

On a side note I will be reaching this subject next Tuesday, which because of the benchmark tests and Labor Day, will be the next time I see that class. That will be my second class meeting in 11 days, third in fourteen.

These two students and a few others just like them and a system that is okay with 11 days passing between class meetings, which believe it or not hurts learning all hold my fate in their hands. How fair is that Times Union? Does the idea still sound good? The sad fact is a test score doesn't always give an accurate picture of what is happening and that's something the Times Union, the public and the-powers-that- be need to understand.

Chris Guerrieri


  1. So true. I've wasted an entire week of instruction time for this "benchmark" test. I've been bribing my emotionally/behaviorally disordered kids all week to get through this test that doesn't show at all what they know/don't know because they are 2 to 3 grade levels behind in reading and can't read or understand the test. Yesterday I spent 12 hours away from my own family b/c it was Open House, only to have not one single parent show up. How could they show up, when they are single parents and have 6 or 7 other kids? (This is true). I'm not saying don't hold me accountable, just make it a fair measurement.

  2. And next week is MAP testing, so another 45 minutes of the class period lost, never to be recovered.
    I have kept track of the instruction time lost due to early release, pep rally, etc. B day has lost 87 minutes already. That also means, those teachers who have planning on B day have lost 87 minutes of valuable time that they could have used to try to get some of their work done.

  3. Also shouldn't the map test be given the first 45 minutes of day one. I have heard so many horror stories about it, it makes me question it's validity...
