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Monday, August 22, 2011

The death of teaching as a career

When I was in elementary school my third grade teacher was in her mid thirties and that was as young as I got. Back then most of my teachers were considerably older. They all had years if not decades of experience. You won’t find that now. It’s possible today for kids today to go all through school and not have a teacher who hasn’t been on the job for more than five years. Teaching isn’t a profession like it was just a generation ago, it’s a just a job and a job with a fairly high turnover rate at that and that is part of the problem.

Teaching is also a job that has tenure, which means if you do it fairly well it’s a job one can have for life. Teaching is a job that starts at a pretty decent wage and is also a job that has every holiday off. Despite all this, sadly this is a job that fewer and fewer people want to do, a job that fewer and fewer people stick with.

When John Thrasher and his ill-conceived senate bill six made the headlines a few months ago, one of his selling points was that a first year teacher could be as good as a tenth year teacher and where this is true it’s also highly unlikely. It takes years for teachers to hone their craft and I don’t know any teacher that thinks they were a better teacher when they started.

First year teachers even the ones with teaching degrees often don’t know what to expect and they don’t know what questions to ask. This is often compounded by the fact that most first year teachers are sent to the most struggling schools and are often inundated with extra paper work and tasks to do. The first few years of teaching is less about teaching and more about surviving. I have said it and it’s the same thing I heard my first year; “Just get though the first year kid, it will get better.”

In Jacksonville at the start of the 2009 school year 27 percent of teachers had less than four years experience. This matches up well with the fact that forty percent of teachers don’t last five years and this at a job that many say with a smirk gets summers off while they sit in front of their televisions and think to themselves I could do that.

Starting in year five and going through year 22 the amount of teachers in each subsequent year declines, 509 495 419 329 279 264 237 227 226 196 148 129 157 135 130 117 124 115. Over half of our teachers have less than nine years experience. Now nine years is a long time but as I stated above the teaching profession has changed.

Why do teachers leave? Well many feel overwhelmed, they are given more tasks than they can possibly accomplish or do well. If it was just teaching more would make it but sadly teaching today has less and less to do with teaching than many might think possible. Furthermore teachers are put in unattainable positions, every year the pressure on teachers seems to grow, while at the same time, parents, the community, the administration and the government seems to get a pass. Then others quickly grow weary of having to raise other people’s children. Teacher’s sighed up to teach and when they did so they knew some mentoring would go with the job. They didn’t know they would have to teach manners, basic rights from wrongs and how to be respectful as well. Others and I personally think this is the biggest reason that many have left the field is a lack of support.

The first year teacher shows up bright eyed and filled with optimism, ready to change the world, and this is an incredible feeling to have, though it is fleeting as many first year teachers have to go into survival mode. They try all sorts of methods to get the children to take care of their responsibilities, which are simple enough, come to class, listen and learn; First they come in as a strict disciplinarian, as this is the standard advice given to first year teachers. They are told to come in tough and then they can ease up as the year progresses. If this fails with some students, the first year teacher often reverts to being a social worker, trying to figure out why they act the way they do and tries to help solve their problems, then with some students they try to become their friend, figuring if they were friends, the students would treat them better, that's treat them with some with dignity and respect. They do this because it takes different strategies to get through to different students.

And for the most part with one of these strategies they are successful, as ninety percent of all students want to be there, they want to learn, or at worse are followers, which means if there ring leader isn't there they fall in line with the children who do want to learn. After a while it's just that ten percent of students that no matter what they try to do continue to cause them problems.

They talk to their mentors, as every first year teacher is assigned one, and their colleagues and department head as well. They ask what they can do to get these last few students in line. The first year teacher laments when the unruly students are absent, "it's dreamy, I can actually teach". They veterans look at the rookies with sympathetic eyes but they also have problems of their own. Just survive the first year; we tell them, it gets easier. But how do I get through to them they ask, we shrug our shoulders and suggest, try and get the parents involved maybe they can help somehow, but in our hearts we know they are fighting an unwinnable battle with some students.

So they call the parents trying to set up parent teacher conferences, to discuss the child's performance both academically and behaviorally, because often-poor performances in these areas go hand in hand. Some of the parents can't be bothered figuring it was the teacher’s problem once the child came to school, others report having the same difficulties at home where they to are at a loss. The two parties might get together and try a few interventions and some students might actually turn it around, but just as often many students don't.

Backed into a corner the first year teacher writes the student up, only to find them back in class before the period is over or at best the next day and angry that they were written up, the problem begins to worsen. You see most likely the child received no meaningful consequences for their behavior, and thus continues it. The teacher writes the child up again and again the child is back in class the next day, except this time the teacher is paid a visit by an administrator or called to the office. Why can't you control this child, they are asked, they explain all that they have done and how none of it has worked. The first year teacher is then told, that referrals are only to be written for the most extreme circumstances and then only after every alternative has been exhausted. Most likely they aren't given any new alternatives as they slump their shoulders and heads back to the classrooms. Because of this lack of support many won’t make it.

When school starts up I will meet twenty or so first time teachers. Of those twenty a few won’t last through the first semester. I say this with some confidence because this has happened every year that I have been a teacher. They just don’t make it, preferring to get a job at the mall or waitressing instead of sticking with the job that many of them spent years preparing themselves for.

Forty percent of teaches won’t last five, over half won’t last ten and probably less than a quarter of all first year teachers make it a career.


  1. All first year teachers should be required to watch the movie "Blackboard Jungle." After watching the movie, they should be told the movie represents the reality of today's schools.

    If you've never seen the movie, find it and watch it. It has a pretty good song in it too that kicked off something called Rock n' Roll. The song, "Rock Around The Clock."

    I'll try to come back with further comments to reveal education is ALWAYS in FLUX and never easy. I agree though that education and those in it are in dire need of help. Respecting teachers would be a good place to start. Later!

  2. The number of grammar, punctuation, and vocalbulary errors in this article makes me wonder...
    It's "untenable", not "unattainable", for example.

  3. "Just survive the first year." we tell them. Needs quotation marks. Basic English grammar.

  4. Versions of this appeared in the TU and the Folio, so maybe I got something right...

    You are more than welcome to start your own blog and do it better...

  5. The Russian launching of Sputnik transformed American education in the Sixties, putting American education in FLUX.

    It was noted there was a shortage of teachers in America, so education became the field many were urged to enter. Assuming I was a typical student of that era, 3 of my grade school teachers were first year teachers at a time when there was no student teacher training programs. The day my new teachers walked in the classroom was the first time in a classroom for each of them. I had 8 teachers in grade school, 5 of those 8 had less than 5 years experience. Probably untypical, but the very first teacher I had, a first year teacher, today would be arrested for child abuse for the ways she disciplined her students. Another of those first year teachers claimed to have been kidnapped as a child (again untypical), it seemed to affect her education attitude in ways not good for students.

    New Math became the rage by the 5th. grade, which led many parents to proclaim they could not help their children learn math, for they had learned the old system and found the new system hard to understand and overly time consuming. Despite what was supposed to be an emphasis on math and science during the Sixties, students like myself did very little hands-on science before the 6th. grade.

    In Junior High School, roughly 25% of my teachers were first year teachers or teachers with less than 5 years teaching experience. One of those was my science teacher for 2 of the 3 years I was in Junior High, another was a math teacher who lasted half a school year. The second half of 9th. grade I moved to Florida (Pensacola) so will skip the various disruptions in my education connected to this.

    In Pensacola, I attended a strongly academic public high school, with strict discipline, but in two years there, Desegregation was a major disruptive force to education, whatever its benefits for some, plus the honest need to educate all. From educational dollars spent to classroom teaching, Desgregation put education in FLUX in Pensacola. Despite only one teacher with less than 5 years experience, other teaching abnormalities ruled, but I will skip these. My senior year was spent in Jacksonville, where again Desegregation had a major impact on education in the community, similar, yet different from Pensacola.

    I've left out much that should be included, but this shows from first grade to graduation, different educational systems I found myself in, were in FLUX. My education was negatively impacted because of that FLUX, but little or no intervention was done on our behalf as students, to make sure we got a quality education. The quality education that was meant to result from the transformation of American education due to the launch of Sputnik by the Russians was DOA by graduation.

    Yesterday and today are the same. Everyone should be striving for solutions, rather than banding together in various camps to do battle. The students are the ones hurt most by these battles. I know, I was a victim of the clashes of my era.

  6. just wondering...what happened to all the money the schools were to get from FLA.lottery??we voted it in for the schools...not for the person that runs it to get rich??show us where the lottery money goes!!!
