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Monday, August 1, 2011

Just how deep does Florida's distain for public education go?

from the Orlando Sentinel

by Leslie Postal

Florida's decision to reject federal grants tied to the Obama administration's health-care overhaul means it might not be able to compete for $100 million to improve the care and education of young children.

A new federal Race to the Top program that aims to improve early learning was launched in May, the latest push from Washington to spur reform through competition among states.

Elections The first Race to the Top competition, embraced by then-Gov. Charlie Crist, resulted in a $700 million grant for the state last year. But Florida could remain on the sidelines in the newest competition, which has the potential of netting the state an additional $100 million.

Meanwhile, 36 other states and theDistrict of Columbia plan to take a shot at the new grant.

"It's a big deal," said Laura Bornfreund, a policy analyst with the New America Foundation in Washington. She called it a "potentially powerful way" for states to improve early education.

Florida might not be able to apply for the grant because one of the proposed eligibility guidelines requires states to take part in a federal child-abuse-prevention program.

Florida had been participating in the prevention program until the Florida Legislature decided against authorizing it this spring. The program's grant money was among about $54 million the state has rejected or refused to apply for since last fall.

All the rejected grants are part of the Obama administration's health-care overhaul law.

The Florida Attorney General's Office has sued over the law, which both Gov. Rick Scott and Republican leaders in the Legislature oppose.

State lawmakers have said it doesn't make sense to take money tied to a law they view as unconstitutional.

But their decision has angered many who work on children's issues. They argue Florida residents are missing out on needed programs they help fund through their federal taxes. And, given the state budget cuts enacted this year, state programs need all the extra money they can get.

The news that the state also might be ineligible for the newest Race to the Top program added to their criticism. Florida's existing early-childhood programs often fall short of national academic and funding standards.

"Florida is at the bottom of almost every indicator of child well-being," said Mimi Graham, director of Florida State University's Center for Prevention & Early Intervention Policy, from high infant mortality to low high-school-graduation rates. "It's appalling that Florida would reject these monies when the need is so great."

Scott would have to sign any new Race to the Top application. His office said it would wait until the U.S. Department of Education releases final guidelines before making a decision on the early-learning grant.

But the state did not file a "notice of intent to apply" because its decision against taking the child-abuse-prevention grant — worth $3.4 million this year and millions more in coming years — seemed to make it ineligible.

The final Race to the Top eligibility guidelines are expected next month.

Florida's reaction to this grant is notably less enthusiastic than when the first-round public-school grant was announced.

In July 2009, then-Education Commissioner Eric Smith spoke at the kickoff ceremony in Washington for the competition.

This time, there has been no public reaction from state leaders, even as counterparts in other states, such as Colorado and New Jersey, have announced they are entering the race.

A spokesman for House Speaker Dean Cannon said it was too early to say Florida was out of the running for the early-childhood money.

But some early-childhood officials worry there won't be support for a Race to the Top bid, no matter the requirements, given the opposition inTallahassee to federal programs that could require state investment, too.

Katie Betta, Cannon's spokeswoman, said the child-abuse grant the Legislature and Scott turned down was a problem not only because of the health-care law but also because it could come with "strings attached" that require state funding once the federal money runs out.

If Florida won a Race to the Top grant for early-childhood education, it would take additional money to continue the work after the four-year grant runs out, said Karen Willis, executive director of the Orange County Early Learning Coalition, which oversees subsidized child-care and state-funded pre-kindergarten.

However, Willis added, "There is major interest in the field in applying for these dollars. … We're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of funding for early education. … Quality costs — it does."

Florida voters approved state-funded pre-K in 2002, showing they want an investment in early-childhood programs. So state leaders should try for the Race to the Top grant, said Linda Alexionok, executive director of the Children's Campaign, a state advocacy group.

If they don't, Florida becomes a "donor state" whose residents' taxes support programs across the country but not here.

"We believe Florida should not walk, but run, to this appropriation," she added. or 407-420-5273.,0,3680367.story

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