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Monday, October 24, 2011

Florida's education commissioner shows his true, anti-public education, colors

The articles title in the Times Union was “It's shaping up to be a good week for charter schools in Florida.” That’s because On Tuesday, Florida's top education official, Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson, plans to attend the National Association of Charter School Authorizers 2011 Leadership Conference. Undoubtably they will talk about how charter schools are part of the solution, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Somebody needs to show our top educator the recent reports of dubious practices and charter school closing here in Florida or at the very least their FCAT scores which indicates they as a group do a lot worse than their public school counterparts.

Friends we have issues in education but the solution is not to throw tax dollars against a wall and hope something sticks wqhile simultaneuosly starving our public schools of resources which is the plan our education commisioner, govenor and leglistaure have. How about instead we deal with the problems in our public schools and make them the best they can be.

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