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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Kimberly Daniels "cram her religion down our throats" bill gets one step closer to passing

I am pretty and deservedly hard on the republicans in Tallahassee but without a doubt the worst legislator there is Democrat in name only Kimberly Daniels.

Fresh off another, yes another round of ethics violation, she is one step closer to passing, her cram her religion down our throat bill.

Anyone want to bet is she was Muslim and it was the Koran she was pushing, the bill would be staled in committee.

From the Tallahassee Democrat:

 A House panel Thursday backed a proposal that would require public high schools to offer elective classes on religion and the Bible amid debate about whether the courses would be constitutional and religiously neutral. 

Bill sponsor Kimberly Daniels, D-Jacksonville, said the classes would be objective and that students would not be forced to take them. Supporters also pointed to the historical role of the Bible, which Daniels described as the “best selling book” of all time. 

“This is a public policy issue, not a worship issue,” Daniels said before the House PreK-12 Quality Subcommittee approved the measure (HB 195). 

But opponents questioned the objectivity and religious neutrality, in part because the courses would not include instruction on such things as the Koran.

“I don’t know how you can have religious neutrality if your curriculum is just focused on one holy book,” Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, said.

Teachers are leaving the classroom in droves. Tallahassee is more interested in arming rather than paying teachers and DeSantis is trying to dramatically increase the capacity of charters and vouchers in an effort to privatize education, and here is the ethically challenged Daniels pushing her religion on children. Up is down, black is white, dogs are playing with cats and people are jumping on the furniture, that's things are all messed up.  

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