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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Oakland teachers win their fight, while Florida's teachers stay on the sidelines

Did you see what DeSantis did last week? He proposed giving massive tax breaks to charters if they would open up in 250 Florida communities.  He is trying to build capacity. Right now there isn't enough private schools that take vouchers and charters to replace public schools, but DeSantis is trying to change that. Friends, do any of you have any doubt at this point that if DeSantis could he would executive order public schools out of existence? If so I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you. No there isn't enough right now, but DeSantis is doing his best to change that.

Another group of teachers went up against corporate reformers and another group of teachers won.

From ABCNews

 Oakland teachers ended their seven-day strike on Friday, walking away with an 11 percent raise for educators living in one the most expensive areas in the U.S.
The Oakland Education Association and the Oakland Unified School District [OUSD] announced that the agreement would also limited class sizes and put a halt on charter schools.
"This is a historic contract with a win in every major proposal we made, that moves us toward a win for the schools Oakland students deserve!" the teachers' union wrote in a statement announcing the deal. "We FORCED Oakland Unified School District to invest in keeping teachers in Oakland – which will give our kids experienced teachers in their classrooms."
Oakland's teachers, joined Los Angeles, Denver, Arizona, Oklahoma, and West Virginias' twice among others in sticking up for the profession and public school and they all won too.

So where are Florida's teachers, where are our unions?

Oh sorry, we're going wear red for ed, and have post card parties, we're going to write letters to the editor and here I am writing one more $#% $#%& %$#&ing blog and the sad fact is none of its going to make a difference.

We are not having a policy debate with reasonable people. There is middle to meet the Republican's in Tallahassee in. They want the destruction of the teaching profession and public education and like Sherman's march to the sea, they aren't going to let anything stand in their way. They just can't do it today but they are setting up tomorrow.

We have to fight for our right to strike, and we have to bring the fight to the public who have supported public ed time and time again when it is alone on the ballot.

Friends and we have to do so soon, while there is still something left to fight for.

1 comment:

  1. I do not wear red for Ed or write my congressman or attend post card parties. Regardless of the heinous law making it illegal to do so, teachers must strike.
