Did anybody else have 30 pieces of silver? Well it turns out it was a lot cheaper than that. Well at least we know why she voted for Fischer's J1 bill which calls for a vote changing having an appointed superintendent to having an elected one.
She was elected to head the Duval Delegation a basically meaningless position.
From Florida Politics.
She was elected to head the Duval Delegation a basically meaningless position.
From Florida Politics.
Daniels, an African-American Democrat, a staunch social conservative, and a minister, is best known for bills that include pushes for moments of silence in public schools and the required offering of religious elective courses.
Daniels’ fellow Democrats, Sen. Audrey Gibson and Rep. Tracie Davis, were not on hand when the meeting began. It didn’t matter, as Daniels took the chair by a unanimous vote.
Daniels lauded the “true teamwork” of the delegation upon accepting the nomination. Republicans find her to be a reliable partner.
A couple things, Senator Gibson and Rep Tracie Davis didn't show up to the meeting because they must know by now it's pointless.
I would say she is equally well known for all her ethics violations. Though I guess those are man's laws not Gods.
Then of course the republican's find her reliable since she is one.
Kimberly Daniels is a bad joke whose punchline was never funny.

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