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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Liars and politicians

There is an old adage that only, liars and politicians use statistics. I’ll let you decide what the superintendent is because you should know he sure likes to use statistics. In his state of the district speech he said Jacksonville’s graduation rates increased 3.2%. As far as I can tell that’s pretty accurate, though I do find it a bit opf a coincidence that the entire state improved by 3.2% as well. In case you are wondering that leaves us 11.8% behind the state average for graduation (76.3%). Three years ago it was 10.5%.

He also talked about how more minorities are taking more advanced placement classes than ever before, though surprisingly he didn’t mention how the percentage of students passing advanced placement tests have plummeted. Then he mentioned the forty-nine percent drop in suspensions, though he didn’t mention how part of a principals evaluation is tied to suspensions and that many teachers prefer to endure toxic learning environments rather than write students up and see the only person to receive a consequence (poor evaluations) is them. Finally he mentions that we are a “B” district according to the states grading formula, which coincidently factors in suspensions and minority students taking advanced placement tests. Amazing. Right?

There is one stat he didn’t mention and that’s how our drop out rate increased by nearly forty-five percent this past year, though since it is nearly impossible to remove kids for non attendance and we don’t start compiling the rate till high school it might actually be hirer. The rate went from 3.3 percent of our students to 4.8. Though why would he mention that statistic, after all it doesn't fit in with his smoke and mirrors we’re heading in the right direction message.

We have a lot of good things going on in the district, no make that amazing. I just happen to think the vast majority are the indiviual and class interactions between teachers and students and very few are happening at 1701 prudential drive.

Yep, there is an old adage; only liars and politicians use statistics.

Chris Guerrieri
City Stakeholder

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