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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Area superintendents get it wrong on amendment 8

Three area superintendents (Duval, Clay and St. Johns) got together to ask locals to vote against amendment 8, the amendment designed to roll back the class size amendment that voters approved eight years ago and I have to say they gave pretty reasonable reasons. (

The only problem is they got wrong. Instead of asking the citizens and parents of north east Florida to vote against something which is good for kids, smaller classes, they should have instead been screaming to the heavens that the legislature fund education in the fashion that the original amendment intended for them to do.

The legislature shouldn’t be putting schools in the positions to cut electives, combine classes and to bus students around. The legislature and our willingness to allow them to fund special interests and give tax breaks to a chosen few industries, not the class size amendment is the problem.

Our area superintendents should be asking them, no make that demanding that to do the right thing.

There are problems with the class size amendment, the solution however should not be to let the legislature off the hook from doing what it is supposed to and that’s taking care of our children.

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