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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Times Union seals its fate

The Times Union's editorial supporting amendment 8, or the let the state off the hook from paying for education amendment said, A study this year on Florida's class-size amendment by Harvard University's Program on Policy and Performance found no evidence that the more than $16 billion the state has spent in reducing class sizes has improved student achievement.

We spent 16 billion dollars? Well thank goodness for the class size amendment then. We have been dead last or close to last for about a decade on education spending, think how bad it would have been without the sixteen billion dollars. We would have been behind states like Alabama and West Virginia, oh wait we already are. Furthermore for every Harvard study the Times Union can find saying that class size plays no role, I am sure I can find ten that says it does.

I really don’t get why the Times Union is so anti-education, don’t they understand by not promoting education, as educated people are the ones who typically read the newspaper, they are sealing their own fate.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher

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