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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Amendment 8 about money, not helping students


Amendment 8 is not a benign revision of class size. It is about politics and money. Politicians are creating havoc in local school districts to trick the public into voting for Amendment 8, so that the politicians will have more money for their pork-barrel projects.

It is not the original class-size amendment, which the people of Florida placed in the constitution in 2002, causing the chaos in the schools this year. It is the Legislature's failure to provide the constitutionally required resources. Smaller class sizes are to be funded by the state, not local taxpayers and school districts. However, this year the Legislature ignored its constitutional duty and withheld from local school districts the funding to implement the final phase of class size.

Neither is this about the need for "flexibility," the red herring that politicians are using as bait for voters to approve Amendment 8. The constitution does not require that a class be divided if a single student over the class-size goal presents himself or herself. That circumstance can be addressed by the Legislature passing a law permitting common-sense solutions.

Just this year, the Legislature created a statutory exemption from class-size compliance for charter schools but not other public schools. This is proof that Tallahassee politicians are playing political games with our public schools and with voters.

Florida TaxWatch made headlines this summer by claiming that Amendment 8 will save voters money; that TaxWatch did not like the return on the state's investment in public schools. Really? Taking money away from public schools is not saving money. The funding local school districts receive from the state to implement class size is the only state resources currently guaranteed to our schools. Once it is no longer constitutionally guaranteed, voters should not trust politicians to continue this funding.

The resources the state have invested in smaller class size have yielded gains in student achievement, greater proficiency in reading and math, and an increase in graduation rates. Parents, teachers and students know the benefits of smaller class sizes.

Voters, do not be fooled by the politicians' deceitful attempt to back off of our commitment to public schools. Send a clear message to the Legislature - stop playing games with our children and follow the will of the people. Vote NO on Amendment 8.

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