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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Teacher questions DCSB splitting schools

Below appeared in the Florida Times Union

By Dennis Egan, Teacher

Questioning the idea

In a district that already has a serious financial deficit, the district now proposes to spend an additional $2.7 million to split four struggling schools into eight.

That means four new principals and more assistant principals and other administrative staff. Two schools housed in the same building with no real plan for the details of how that will work.

I can see where a lot of that $2.7 million is going, and it's not into direct student performance activity.

The same student body that generally has been unable to sustain even minimum levels of performance will now be "forced" (superintendent's word) into more rigorous programs.

I'm a science and technology person. Reading is a prerequisite for these topics. How many of these new courses will students in remedial reading and math classes be able to take?

Have we given up on the basics, or have we just given up?

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