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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is Rick Scott the govenor of all of us or some of us?

From the St. Petersburg Times Editorial Board

Rick Scott is the governor of all of Florida, not just the most conservative wing of the Republican Party. Yet he insists on conducting the public's business at the equivalent of a private tea party meeting. The staged event where he signed the state budget and released his vetoes on Thursday was orchestrated to appear open to the public in the Villages, a conservative Republican retirement enclave in Central Florida. In fact, it was a private event paid for by the state Republican Party, and some Democrats were barred from attending. It is insulting to the majority of Floridians who are not registered Republican voters.

While the bill signing was held in the community's town square, people holding anti-Scott signs were escorted out by sheriff's deputies at the request of Scott officials. There is nothing "private" about the state's highest elected public official engaged in his public duties, signing a public document detailing how $69 billion in public dollars will be spent.

Scott unveiled his budget proposal in February at a tea party event in a church, so the partisan control of the bill signing comes as no surprise. But the election was nearly seven months ago, and Scott is the governor of all Floridians. He should start acting like it instead of isolating himself among the shrinking numbers of his most ardent supporters.

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