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Friday, November 16, 2012

Jason Fischer district 7 is off to a not confidence instilling start

I hope people realize we are paying Jason Fischer 37,200 dollars or what a first year teacher makes to be on the school board. Knowing this it seems explicable that he announced: When discussing the committee meetings, board member Jason Fischer suggested moving them to later in the day. Fischer, who works at CSX during the day, said there may be days when he can attend the committee meetings and some when he can’t.

Did he not know there was going to be the occasional meeting? How about school visits, sit down with teachers, brainstorming sessions or dozens of other events it would be nice that he participated in? Well friends those things seem out of the question now, I mean unless they sync up with his schedule.

This does not instill confidence.


1 comment:

  1. What did I just say?

    He will show his true colors, stupidity, arrogance, and bs-ing.

    The state of Florida (state of confusion) has not had enough of the beloved tea party and their disconnect with reality.

    Here we go!

    The most frightening thing about the tea party, and these newest wave of people they forward to represent US in areas of politics, is the sheer lack of simple KNOWLEDGE, based on any kind of experience in the areas in which they portend to hold not only experience, but expertise.

    Truly scary. This guy has LESS experience and ability to be a school board member than a 2nd year teacher!

    Oh well, let's hope the Peter Principle sets him back on the fast track to nowhere, after he shows just how lost he really is.
