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Friday, November 9, 2012

Rick Scott's bussiness fetish keeps him from understanding education.

From scathing Purple Musinings, by Bob Sykes

From the Orlando Sentinel’s Scott Travis:

Gov. Rick Scott told members of the state Board of Education on Monday that his priorities for education in the coming year include an increase in K-12 choices and a drop in college costs for Florida families.

In a meeting held at Boca Raton High School, Scott said because competition helps improve education, he supports an expansion of charter schools, including lifting enrollment caps that districts can place on how large charters can grow.

He also wants to see districts give parents and students more options. He said that during a statewide swing, residents supported the idea of school choice as long as all schools were held to the same standards.

“They want to make sure it’s fair for everybody and we ought to live by the same rules,” he said. “When you have competition, prices come down, quality goes up and service goes up.”

Emphasis mine at the end. At times I feel that Scott has evolved a bit in the job. He’s afterall been the one who has had to deal with the disastrous infrastructure of the state’s accountability system. But his frequent slips into predictable sophomoric business speak to justify his charter school fetish shows he’s yet to grasp the complexities of education. Schools aren’t competing fast food chains.

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