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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When did teacher become a dirty word in Jacksonville?

Maybe the little things shouldn’t bother me but then again maybe this isn’t a little thing.

In a Times Union piece discussing the district’s new strategic plan, Vitti said the public suggested there be some tweaking.
For example, within the document, Vitti says there are four ways the district can improve: engaging parents, caregivers and community; developing the whole child, making effective equitable and efficient use of resources and finally developing great teachers and leaders. The public decided Vitti should scratch the “great teachers” phrase and make it “great educators” instead.

Two things, first the district is already full of great teachers who have had to toil under a system that doesn’t exactly set them up for success and second if you want to call me an educator that’s fine but I proudly tell people I am a teacher.

Maybe the little things shouldn’t bother me but then again maybe this isn’t a little thing.


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