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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Some more reckless contact tracing by the district

 When the district announced closures to first Fletcher and then D.A. I thought maybe the district was taking contact tracing seriously; now, I think things must be much worse than they are letting on because of the terrible contact tracing I witnessed firsthand at my school today. The District is reckless, and sooner than later, its and my luck will run out. 

A student tested positive. The district quarantined the students on their bus but not in their room. I asked the resource teacher that class goes to because my class goes to it too if they had been contacted. They said yes and that they had worked closely with the student, but like their homeroom teacher and classmates, the DOH and, by extension, the district shrugged their shoulders.    

How does any of this make any sense?

Let's throw in half of married couples, a student but not their siblings, and the teachers of classes where the children spent hours if not days before their symptoms manifested.  

Why is this happening? I think it is because the district wants to get a new roof for this school and a new air condition for another one. I believe they think if they close schools or show lots of cases, they are afraid the city may turn against them. Passing the referendum by seeming to do well when we all know that we aren't is their only priority.

Superintendent Greene and the rubber stamp school board will get people sick, sorry more people sick or worse, and shame on them.

I want to acknowledge this must be hard, but what's to stop the district from saying, married couples, siblings, and classes were cases are found must quarantine or at the very least be tested? Nothing, that's what, save their desire to bury their heads in the sand.


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