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Friday, January 6, 2023

This week in anti-LGBTQ and fascism in Florida

So Florida hasn't just made a hard right turn; it has gone full-on Hungary (the country) as it seeks to oppress independent thought and LGBTQ rights. This week's examples are DCPS forcing the performing arts high school to cancel a play with queer characters and the governor appointing an anti-trans activist (and five of his buddies), Christoper Rufo, to the board of the New College with the aim of making it the Hillsdale of the south.

Let's start with DCPS continuing its attacks against the LGBTQ community by forcing Douglass Anderson to change its spring play.

Activist Mat Hartley posted both of these on his twitter page

Douglas Anderson School of the Arts production of the play Indecent, which is a Queer Jewish love story, and a cautionary tale about censorship… Censored, shut down by

due to Don’t Say Gay bill concerns?

I am going to go ahead and say Greene is a homophobe because, after all she has done attacking the LGBTQ community, there can be no other possibility and shame on her.

The later DeSantis, another raging homophobe, appointed Chufo to the board of the New College. That name may sound familiar, as John Oliver did a show talking about how dangerous he is.

Rufo started his 15 minutes railing against critical race theory by has recently transitioned to attacking trans children and adults.

Rufo used to admit what he was doing is nothing but a schtick because nobody on the right cares what is true and not true. 

From the Daily Beast

“What Rufo has been cleverly doing is cherry-picking the worst examples that he can find of lessons in classrooms or training materials for teachers and saying, that is CRT,” explained Oliver. “And he’s openly admitted that he’s been engaged in a deliberate rebranding exercise, tweeting, ‘We have successfully frozen their brand—“critical race theory”—into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions… The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory.’”

Rufo has no business being anywhere near education at any level, but like many of DeSantis's appointees, being deplorable is a requirement

King DeSantis doesn't care who he hurts as he seeks to turn Florida free; as long as you only do what he wants and don't question him, being an educator and LGBTQ are problematic as well.

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