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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Today's worst republican ever state representative Spencer Roach

First, he said the utter bullsh*t below. I don't want to say Roach is dumb, but he is at least 51 cards short of a full deck.


So the republicans in Tallahassee want to enact universe vouchers so any child in public school can get a voucher and go to a private school or not because their parents could teach them too. This is not about how catastrophic that would be; it's about how absolutely bad the republican party is. My Republican friends, you are not sending are best or brightest to Tallahassee.

Let's examine Roach's comments. The monopoly statement is manifestly inaccurate. Florida, according to Google, has 2,324 private schools, 712 charter schools, and 3,490 public schools. That's 3.036 charters and private schools to 3,490 public schools. The monopoly line is a canard republicans use because, like Roach, they think people can't google. Anyone who says it is either a liar or an idiot, or like I suspect Roach to be, both.

Then there is his statement saying kids in public education get an inferior education and are condemned to a life of government dependence. I couldn't find that anywhere. If anybody has a source, please let me know. Another lie, more utter bull sh*t it doesn't matter because the republican party has been in complete control of public education in Florida for 24 years. 24 YEARS!!! If there are problems in education, wouldn't they be responsible for them? 

The reality is there are problems, but most of them were created by the republican party, Roach, and I am sure it is lost on him; he said the republican party has no clue about what it is doing, and on that, I would agree with him. 

This is what we are working with; this is the party that wants to destroy public ed, and for what?  I will tell you for what, so millionaires can get vouchers but more on that later. 

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