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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Teachers work second jobs to make up for Frank Farrell's thanks

How ironic is it that Mr. Farrell starts his continuing "love letter" for teachers with "I would wager a good sum..." I am SO happy Mr. Farrell has a good sum of money to wager because I, and most of my teacher colleagues, do NOT have a good sum of money to wager. We are working second jobs to put food on the table and gas in our cars not to mention paying for our insurance. We don't have the luxury of wagering any sum of money. Mr. Farrell saw to this when he voted to NOT ratify our contract in February.

Mr. Farrell, I would like for you to either put-up or shut-up. Your letters are condescending to every teacher in Clay County and frankly, Frank, we do not need you rubbing salt in our wounds. Wounds, incidently, that you helped to inflict. Then, instead of just leaving it alone (because we all know you don't really support teachers) you continue to scrape away at the scabs that start to form over the deep and bleeding wounds caused by your completely thoughtless and arrogant actions.

Well, Frank, we will heal. It will take a while but I am pretty confident in the fact that come election day 2012, our healing will be complete when the last vote is counted and you, sir, no longer sit on your throne of disdain for teachers.

One last request, Mr. Farrell. The next time you write a letter asking the community to "Thank a Teacher" we just hope they don't "Thank" us the same way that you did. Better yet, write your letter, telling us you love us, then stomp on it, tear it up, or shred it because this teacher really doesn't care about being "loved by you".


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