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Monday, November 1, 2010

Fund Education Now Calls Amendment 8 A Shameful Waste of Tax Dollars

Orlando, denounced the Florida Legislature today for squandering hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars by running the Amendment 8 campaign, placing it on the ballot and defending it in court.

According to the St. Pete Times, State Representative Will Weatherford, an Amendment 8 sponsor, stated that if Amendment 8 fails at the ballot on Tuesday, “we will possibly look at other statutory fixes.”

“There has always been a statutory solution to class size. Legislators who sit on key Education Committees have told us this repeatedly behind closed doors. Finally, someone has slipped up and the truth is out,” said Linda Kobert, partner, Fund Education

“Representative Weatherford and the Florida Legislature have spent upwards of a half a million dollars of tax payer money on this folly. We could have hired a dozen new teachers, filled several libraries with books or restored some of the painful cuts to our kids with this money,” added Kathleen Oropeza, partner, Fund Education Now. org

“It’s unfortunate that the Legislature seemingly pursued a distracting, manipulative and expensive amendment campaign when a simple statutory fix was there all along. The people of Florida deserve better than that,” said Christine Bramuchi, partner, Fund Education

Founded in 2009, by Kathleen Oropeza, Linda Kobert and Christine Bramuchi, three Orlando parents of public school students, is a nonpartisan, non-union group of citizen-advocates.

The group is a plaintiff in the current lawsuit against the state of Florida that alleges that the legislature has not fulfilled its “paramount duty” to provide a free, high quality, safe, efficient and uniform system of public education.

Part of a broad alliance of education advocates, is on a mission to inspire advocacy in ordinary citizens and bring parents into a thoughtful discussion about public education reform In Florida.

Fund Education Now partners are available to speak to radio, print or television journalists about our position on Fair Districts Amendments 5 & 6 and the Florida education crisis. To schedule an interview or receive more information, contact: Kathleen Oropeza,; 407.234.8948


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