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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Superintendant turns down less than one percent raise, lauded as hero

With some fanfare it was announced that the superintendent would be turning down a raise. He had been allowed to take a raise comparable to the ones teachers get. You will forgive me if I refrain from giving him a humanitarian award especially since the typical teacher receives less than a one percent raise a year. This is the same raise the superintendent sought to deny teachers earlier this year when he his band of sycophants, I am sorry the school board, declared financial urgency.

Sadly this is just one more example of the Times Union, who has mentioned it in several pieces and who takes so many opportunities to paint the superintendant in a positive light that I am beginning to think he must have pictures of the editorial staff with either a live boy or a dead girl, joining forces with the superintendant as the city’s teachers and children languish and the city itself heads in the wrong direction.

Good job Times Union, what’s next a humanitarian award?

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