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Monday, February 23, 2015

The Daytona News Journal's editorial staff calls for the wholesale firing of teachers

I see the Daytona Beach Journal’s editorial staff read he policy brief from the Florida Tax Watch criticizing the class size amendment as their editorial agreeing seemed like it was taken nearly verbatim. I can’t imagine they read any of the current research which overwhelmingly supports smaller classes.

I won’t take up much of your time but I do have two questions. How many teachers does the Daytona Beach Journal think should be fired because the firing of teachers is really what the Tax Watch is advocating for when we break it down, where else but from teacher salaries would the savings come from and how many teachers do they know that thinks they would be more effective if they had five, eight or ten more students per class.

I would urge the editors to rethink their position.

To read their flawed reasoning, click the link: 

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