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Friday, February 27, 2015

Diving into the contract numbers

When I started I thought I was going to be outraged. The truth is where I am not thrilled about the numbers they aren't nearly as bad as I thought they were going to be.

The first set of numbers is what a teacher just starting out can expect to make over the next 25 years if they remain effective or highly effective. The second what a sixth year teacher who stays on a professional services contract can expect to make over the same time, their salaries are locked in no matter what their evaluation is.

If the amounts were a dollar or less on the schedule I ignored them. Then at the end I gave teachers on PSC a 500 dollar raise which is traditionally what has happened.

Figuring a teacher has a career where they are effective then a PSC teacher actually earns a little more than a new teacher who has a similar, effective career. A huge disparity however can result because a new teacher can potentially earn hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

Finally PSC teachers in years 10-21 kind of get screwed when compared to teachers not on the grandfather pay scale though I guess you can argue they can make it up later and they do have work protections, which to a lot of us means a lot.

                                                                                      Year 1                    37,300
                                                                                      Year 2                    37,439
                                                                                      Year 3                    37,629
                                                                                      Year 4                    37,902
                                                                                      Year 5                    38,204

Year 1                    37,800                                                Year 6                    39,800
Year 2                    38,800/39,800                                    Year 7                    40,300
Year 3                    39,800/41,800                                    Year 8                    40,800
Year 4                    40,800/43,800                                    Year 9                    41,300
Year 5                    41,800/45,800                                    Year 10                 41,800
$199,000- 209,000                                                                         $204,000

Year 6                    42,800/47,800                                    Year 11                 42,550
Year 7                    43,800/49,800                                    Year 12                 43,300
Year 8                    44,800/51,800                                    Year 13                 44,050
Year 9                    45,800/53,800                                    Year 14                 44,800
Year 10                 46,800/55,800                                    Year 15                 45,800
$423,000-468,000                                                                     $424,500                                                        
Year 11                 47,800/57,800                                    Year 16                 46,800
Year 12                 48,800/59,800                                    Year 17                 47,800                  
Year 13                 49,800/61,800                                    Year 18                 48,800
Year 14                 50,800/63,800                                    Year 19                 49,800
Year 15                 51,800/65,800                                    Year 20                 51,300
$672,000-777,000                                                                       $669,000    

Year 16                 52,800/67,800                                    Year 21                 52,800
Year 17                 53,800/69,800                                    Year 22                 54,800
Year 18                 54,800/71,800                                    Year 23                 56,800
Year 19                 55,800/73,800                                    Year 24                 58,800
Year 20                 56,800/75,800                                    Year 25                 60,800
$946,000-1,136,000                                                                        $954,000

Year 21                 57,800/77,800                                    Year 26                 62,800
Year 22                 58,800/79,800                                    Year 27                 64,800
Year 23                 59,800/81,800                                    Year 28                 66,800
Year 24                 60,800/83,800                                    Year 29                 67,300*
Year 25                 61,800/85,800                                    Year 30                 67,800*
1,245,000/1,545,000                                                                        1,282,500

Year 26                 61,800/87,800
Year 27                 62,800/89,800
Year 28                 63,800/91,800
Year 29                 64,800/93,800
Year 30                 65,800/95,800


  1. It's important to know that if you give up your PSC, they will let you go when you start earning big bucks and replace you with somebody cheaper. They don't really care about student learning more than what it costs to employ you. Admins are petty and vindictive. Can you really go even 10 yrs without asking a question that they find offensive? And by offensive question, I mean any question.

  2. Interesting analysis. It looks like where I am as a 10 year teacher, there is no financial gain for moving to the new schedule unless I receive highly effective evaluations, which I won't. The student data piece being 50% of the score will prevent most me from achieving that rank as I suspect it will for most people.

  3. Every teacher I have talked to is unwilling to give up protection, even if it means making 1000-2000 less. The above poster is incredibly correct concerning people who have worked the longest. What happens if we change to an annual contract, well, they can fire people at any time? Although I have been blessed to have 3 good principals over the last 10 years, I just can't roll the dice with my future. I've had both Highly Effective and Effective on the new system, but Tallahassee controls the state of education, and that includes how I am evaluated. I can't imagine anyone choosing that fate.

  4. I have worked for 5 principals. What I have learned is that the best teacher, the superstar, cannot perform without a good principal. Too much is out of our hands. Hang on to those PSCs! BTW, anyone seen this?
    Supports my point: JEB Stuart vs. Mattie V.


  6. This is still not a good pay schedule. We are being paid less for doing more. I love teaching, but I believe that we should also be compensated fairly. We work long hours, weekends, nights, and this cuts into family time and personal time. An increase of $20 per paycheck is not a raise. That is an insult.
